Mediterranean Perspectives
| Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences

ISSNe 2530-9722 - ISSN 1889-7231

© EMUI_ Mediterranean Editions, Roma

Nr. 01 (2009-2010) | AUTHORS CURRICULA



Luis González-Seara | Complutense University of Madrid | EMUI_ Former President
EuroMed: Legal, Economic, Politial, Social and Moral Community
EuroMed: Comunidad Legal, Económica, Política, Social y Cultural

Román Reyes | Complutense University of Madrid | EMUI_ President
About the Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI)


Josep Borrell | Complutense University of Madrid
Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on Development
Africa's Hour
L'heure de l’Afrique

Javier Bustamante | Complutense University of Madrid
Towards a euro-mediterranean digital citizenship
Em direção à uma cidadania digital euro-mediterrânea
Hacia una ciudadanía digital euro-mediterránea

Athena Charalamboglou | Complutense University of Madrid
Socialdemocratic Social Policy and Leadership Choices in Southern Europe: The cases of Spain and Greece
Políticas sociales socialdemócratas y elecciones de liderezgo en la Europa del sur: Los casos de España y Grecia
Η σοσιαλιστική κοινωνική πολιτική και οι επιλογές της ηγεσίας στη Νότια Ευρώπη: οι περιπτώσεις της Ισπανίας και της Ελλάδας

Antonio Ventura Díaz-Díaz | European Academy of Yuste Fondation
Jesús Baigorri-Jalón | University of Salamanca
Migrations as a bridge for intercultural dialogue
Las migraciones como puente para el diálogo intercultural

Juan Díez-Nicolás | Complutense University of Madrid
The role of "think tank" in developing countries: Values in the Mediterranean Region
El papel de los "think tank" en países en vías de desarrollo: Valores en el Área Mediterránea

Alfonso García-Martínez, José A. Rabadán-Rubio y José Saura-Sánchez
University of Murcia (Spain)
Mediterranean Sea and Immigration: An approach
Mediterráneo e Inmigración: Una aproximación

Pablo Gil-Loyzaga | Complutense University of Madrid
David Gil Pérez | Comitas Comunicaciones SA
Present and evolution of the Spanish society: information and communications technologies applied to the Health System
Presente y evolución de la sociedad española: información y tecnologías de la comunicación aplicadas al Sistema de Salud

Paloma González Gómez de Miño | Complutense University of Madrid
The revitalization of the Mediterranean in the European Union Agenda
La revitalización del Mediterráneo en la Agenda de la Unión Europea 

Bichara Khader | Université Catholique de Lovain
Directeur du Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur le Monde Arabe Contemporain
The new relationship with our neighbours: a practical guide to the European Neighbourhood Policy
De l’Union Méditerranéenne de Nicolas Sarkozy  au Processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée

Nazanin Lajevardi | University of Tehran (Iran) & Complutense University of Madrid
Dialogue between Cultures in Euro-Mediterranean Countries
گفتگوی فرهنگها بین کشورهای اروپایی -مدیترانه ای  «««

Carmen López-Alonso | Complutense University of Madrid
Religion and Politics in Israel
Religión y Política en Israel

Simon Mercieca | University of Malta · Director of the Mediterranean Institute
The difference in the difference. Old models and new dialectical for the pursuance of the dialogue interreligioso
La differenza nella differenza. Vecchi modelli e nuove dialettiche per il proseguimento del dialogo interreligioso

Blanca Muñoz | Carlos III University of Madrid
The Three Pivotal Themes of the Theory of Cultural Studies: The Tricks of the Subjetivity
Los Ejes Temáticos de La "Segunda Generación" de La Escuela de Birmingham: Las Trampas de la Subjetividad

Marta Nunes da Costa | University of Lisbon
Cha(lle)nges within the European Project - Creating a Politics of Action
Changements dedans le project Européen - La création d’une Politique d’ Action

Fernando Oliván | Rey Juan Carlos Uniersity of Madrid
The Alliance of Civilizations, instrument for the construction of the International Right of the Future
La Alianza de Civilizaciones, instrumento para la construcción del Derecho Internacional del Futuro

Thorsten Peetz | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Educational Policies in the Knowledge Society. The European Union, the OECD and the Mediterranean Area
Bildungspolitik in der Wissensgesellschaft. Die Europäische Union, die OECD und der Mittelmeerraum

Andrea Pirni | University of Florence
Modernity, Young People and European Identity: a Sociological Perspective
Modernità, giovani e identità europea: una prospettiva sociologica

Román Reyes | Complutense University of Madrid - EMUI_ President
The (Euro)Mediterranean Passion: On resistant towns and diffuse citizens
La Pasión (Euro)Mediterránea: Sobre pueblos resistentes y ciudadanos difusos

Gema Sánchez-Medero | Complutense University of Madrid
The Twenty-First Century to two new challenges: Cyberwar and Cyberterrorist
Las dos nuevas perspectivas del Siglo XXI: Ciberterrorismo y Ciberguerra

Phillip Siegle | Copenhagen Business School
A Development of deeper Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region?
Financial and Development Economic Aspects of EU-Mediterranean Partner Relations
¿Mayor integración en la región euromediterránea?. Aspectos financieros y de desarrollo económico en las asociaciones entre la UE y los países mediterráneos

Debora Spini | University of Florence
Between enlightenment and self-interest: lines of reflection on the role of civil society in the post-national world
Fra lumi e interessi: Linee di riflessione sul ruolo della società civile in un mondo post nazionale

European Higher Education Area Der Zeit ihre Kunst, der Kunst ihre Freiheit